Tuesday 16 August 2011

Want to try something different for breakfast?

Tired of eating the eternal bowl of Special K in the morning? Yeah, I know there are plenty of different flavours but you've tried them all and want a change? Why don't you try to start the day with a smoothie? It has got only advantages: it's quick and easy to make, it is super healthy and it tastes fantastic. And if you put the right ingredients in it, you won't be angry after half an hour....so what do you say? You want to try?
Well I have the perfect receipe for you. I found it in a book that I already mentioned called The New Abs Diet by David Zinczenko...

To prepare the smoothie, you only need a blender and the following ingredients:
  • 1 banana
  • 100 gr of frozen mixed red fruits
  • 180 ml of low fat vanilla yoguhrt
  • 180 ml of skimmed milk
  • 2 teaspoons of peanut butter
  • 50 gr of oat in a little bit of milk
  • 4 icecubes (I personnally do not add any ice cubes because the frozen fruits keep the mixture cold and I like a thicker texture)

Chuck everything in your blender and mix for 30 secs. Voila! It's ready!
I hope you'll enjoy this smoothie as much as I do!

Red fruit smoothie

Thursday 11 August 2011

The Alps. What else?

Why do all good things have to come to an end eventually??!! Unfortunately for me, summer holidays are already over and I've been back to work this week. I find it hard to sit on a chair for 8 long hours everyday after having spent 10 days walking, running and swimming.
I have spent part of my holiday in the Alps, in the Parc des Ecrins in a tiny place called Puy-Aillaud. I love going there because it is isolated, calm and beautiful. My plan for the holidays was to relax and do nothing! But that never works for me as I get bored after one day. So I changed my plan for doing a small activity everyday. So we did a few nice walks. The first we did was short but the trail was very steep. But what a mindblowing view at the top!

View on the Glacier Blanc

I also found a nice little lake to do some swimming. It is amazing to swim in a lake with snowy mountain tops in the background.

Lake of La Roche de Rame near l'Argentière la Bessée

I did not bring my bike with me as I was travelling by train and did not want the embarrassment but I wish I had!! There were so many cyclists on the road...it was really frustrating not to be with them.
Hopefully I'll be able to go back to the Alps next year and climb up a few hills...which promises to be tough!